
[Travel] Tahoe in the Snow

[Travel] Tahoe in the Snow

We got the chance of spending the holidays in Tahoe with a lot of old and new friends. It was great playing and skiing in the snow, but it was also freezing! It got as cold as 4 F. I actually got a bunch of bloody noses... I walked around a lot with tissue stuffed in my nose :'( 

The first morning, Michelle, Sidian and I woke up at the crack of dawn (well 6 AM to be exact but it really did feel too early..) and drove over to Zephyr Cove to explore. What we found was amazing! The water was a deep blue and the texture was velvety. We stayed for about 30 minutes before it got too cold and we went back to eat some yummy breakfast, hehe! We eventually came back with a bigger group to explore the surrounding rocks. 

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